
How To Measure For Slide Topper

Dometic slide toppers are a dandy mode to improve your RV camping experience. Not only do they provide shade and protection from the elements, but they can also assist keep your RV cooler in the summer months. If you're having trouble getting your slide topper to fit just correct, don't worry – we're here to assist. In this article, I will evidence you how to accommodate a Dometic slide topper for a perfect fit. Let's get started!

Why do you use an RV slide topper?

In that location are many reasons why yous might want to employ an RV slide topper. For ane, they tin help continue your RV libation in hot atmospheric condition. They tin can besides provide shade and protection from the elements, which can be peculiarly useful if you're camping in an area with a lot of sun exposure. Additionally, slide toppers can help prevent h2o and droppings from getting into your RV when the slide is open up.

Where do I place the slide topper?

When you're ready to install your slide topper, the first thing yous'll demand to do is decide where you want it to go. You lot'll want to place it so that it covers the entire length of the slide, from front to back. Additionally, you'll want to make sure that the topper is centered on the slide. In one case you've decided on the placement, y'all tin marker the spot with a pencil or pen.

What's I need to install the slide topper?

Installing a slide topper is a relatively uncomplicated process, before y'all begin the installation process, you lot'll need to gather a few supplies.

You'll need a tape measure, a drill, screws, a screwdriver, washers, and some basic mitt tools. Additionally, you'll demand the brackets that came with your slide topper. If you don't accept the brackets, you lot tin purchase them at most hardware stores.

How do I install the slide topper? footstep past step

How do I install the slide topper

Now that you know where to place the topper, it's time to install it. Brainstorm by removing the old ane, if there is i. To do this, simply unscrew the brackets that concord it in identify. Once the old topper is removed, you tin can get-go installing the new one.

Footstep i: Install the awning rails

The outset step is to install the awning rail. This is the strip of metal that the topper will adhere to. To exercise this, but hold the track in place and apply screws to adhere information technology to the RV. Brand sure that the rails is level before proceeding to the adjacent step.

Pace 2: Attach the topper cloth

In one case the awning rail is installed, you lot tin can start attaching the topper fabric. Brainstorm by unrolling the textile and placing information technology over the rail. Then, use the provided clips to attach them to the rails. Make sure that the textile is tight and costless of wrinkles before proceeding to the next step.

Pace three: Install the brackets

The side by side step is to install the brackets. These will hold the topper in place and allow you to accommodate information technology if necessary. To install the brackets, merely hold them in place and use screws to attach them to the RV.

Step 4: Conform the topper

Now that the topper is installed, you can adjust it to get the perfect fit. To do this, simply loosen or tighten the screws on the brackets. One time you lot're happy with the fit, tighten the screws to secure the topper in place.

How to Arrange a Dometic Slide Topper

If y'all're non happy with the fit of your Dometic slide topper, don't worry – it's like shooting fish in a barrel to arrange. In most cases, you'll only demand to loosen or tighten the tension straps that hold the topper in identify. To do this, you'll demand a Phillips head screwdriver.

Once y'all have your screwdriver, locate the tension straps on the underside of the topper. There will be two straps – 1 on each side of the topper. Employ your screwdriver to loosen or tighten the strap as needed. If you're having trouble getting the straps tight enough, try adding a few more wraps around the bar.

Once you lot've adjusted the tension straps, open up and close the slide to test the fit. If it's even so non quite correct, repeat the process until you're happy with the results.

And that's all there is to information technology! Adjusting a Dometic slide topper is easy, and it only takes a few minutes to do. So if y'all're non happy with the fit of your topper, don't hesitate to make the necessary adjustments. Your RV will cheers for it.

Why slider topper demand perfect adjustment?

What's I need to install the slide topper

There are a few reasons why you lot might need to arrange your slide topper. First, if the topper is besides loose, it can flap in the wind and make noise. Additionally, a loose topper tin let water and droppings to get into your RV when the slide is open.

Another reason to adjust the topper is if it's not fitting snugly confronting the side of the RV. This can create a gap that lets in light and can be a security take a chance.

Finally, you may need to arrange the topper if information technology'due south not lining up correctly with the slide. This can crusade the topper to rub against the slide, which can harm both the topper and the slide.

All of these reasons underscore the importance of having a well-adjusted slide topper. By taking the time to accommodate yours, you tin can avoid all of these problems. And then if you're not happy with the fit of your topper, don't hesitate to make the necessary adjustments. Your RV will thank you for information technology.


In conclusion, it's important to suit your slide topper to get the perfect fit. A well-adjusted topper volition look amend, last longer, and provide a better seal confronting the elements. So if you're not happy with the fit of your topper, don't hesitate to make the necessary adjustments. In most cases, y'all'll just demand to loosen or tighten the tension straps that concur the topper in place. To do this, you'll need a Phillips head screwdriver.


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